Saturday, August 6, 2011

Made It to Cape Town!

Hello Everyone! After hard goodbyes and a super long flight (total flight time 21 hours!) I have made it to Ocean View, Cape Town! Despite tough travel conditions I am glad to be here. It is hands down the most beautiful place I have ever been. The scenery is simply amazing and hopefully I will be able to put up pictures soon.
I am seriously jetlagged and can hardly sleep I'm feeling good though -It must be because of all the stored up sleep I have gotten this summer lol! The last few days have been quite cold (it is winter here), especially at night, and since there is no heat I have been layering up to go to bed, so all you kids sweating your butts off in the usa...consider yourselves a bit lucky!
The last 2 days we have just been hanging out and unpacking and stuff. I am staying at the Prince's house until they find me a host family to live with. It is quite fun because all the kids come and play, literally all the time. They can speak english, atleast the older ones, but their accents are so strong that we both have a hard time understanding each other. I am living in a coloured community (look it up if you don't know what it is) so with my light hair I look quite different from most of them and they all think I'm like 13...haha what else is new I guess? Alot of these kids grow up in a rough environment with no dads, moms who do drugs, aduse, neglect, the works, and you can tell what they have been through a lot by their behavior. One little boy who is seven was actually super quiet and quite the good soccer player for his age. Instead of climbing all over me like some of the other ones, (you would have thought they had never had a piggy back ride lol) he patiently waited for me to pass him the ball and even when another little boy strangled him (yeah, I literally had to yank him off the other one) he didn't retaliate. When we were sitting down he pulled out a coin. I asked if I could look at it (I haven't really seen the money here yet). When I gave it back he said that I could keep it. To all of you who are reading you are probably like, oh cool big deal, but these kids are super poor and I bet that was all the money this kid had. It was so sweet - and for the record I gave it back! lol
I am starting to make a list of things I will never take advantage of: heater, dishwasher, sleep, unlimited internet, friends and family. I have already met some amazing people, people from all around the world, and know I will meet many more but I definately miss all of you and it is humbling and at times uncomfortable hardly knowing anyone.
Next week I will be starting my volunteer work and will hopefully be able to practice soccer with the Ubuntu boys and a local women's team. Can't wait to see more of this beautiful place and its beautiful people! Haven't seen any crazy animals yet but there is a baboon crossing sign close to the house! Crazzzy
Miss you all!      

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