Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hello! Just wanted to give an update on the half marathon this morning. We all did really well! I finished in 1:44:19 which is a little under 8 minute miles so I was super pleased with the result. Glad it is all over with though! The 7am start was a bit rough but the weather was great and the scenery was beautiful. I had as much fun as I could have when running 13.1 miles lol. The picture above is an actual picture of part of the course, so as you can see, Cape Town is quite the pretty place! I'm looking forward to getting some rest, seeing some of Cape Town night life tonight, and a few touristy things before I fly out on Thursday. Time flies ahhh!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hello! Super sorry to all of you who have been reading my blog/ lack thereof the last few weeks! It has been super busy here, but thank you for reading up till the very end…yes only a few more days, it is crazy!  So the following are a few updates:
From my last blog, you heard about little Zuanny’s surgery. Luckily, everything went fine with the removal of his ear tumor! He had to go back to the hospital a few times, but he is doing fine, and they can’t keep him from playing outside. So he is feeling good and coping with having his head wrapped every day.
Last Thursday was the Ubuntu fundraiser. It was a wonderful night and the team raised enough money for all the boys to attend this really good school next year. We were all really pleased with how it went and how people are so keen to be a part of this great vision for these young boys as well as their future. A popular Radio DJ was so impressed; he even had the coaches interviewed on the radio!
Last Saturday, a few of us ventured to “The Old Biscuit Mill.” It is a large tent area in Cape Town, where Casey says “all the beautiful people go.” We had a lot of fun trying different foods – I had my first banana/nutella crape, yum!
This week was holiday club. Lots of laughs, sing a long songs that got very annoying, and boogars. Lots and lots of boogars. I had the pleasure of working with the preschoolers. Although super cute, most couldn’t speak English well and, therefore, had a hard time listening to directions. Or they just didn’t want to listen to directions at all? Lol who knows. It was a rewarding experience though and I was glad when it was all said and done that I got to do it.
On Wednesday, we went to see Coldplay at Cape Town Stadium. It was cool to go to since it was built for last year’s World Cup. The show was fantastic! I tried to sneak on the floor to get closer to the band, but no such luck. Still had an awesome time though!
Yesterday, we took the youth to Hillsong. Ocean Viewers are so fun to roll with. They totally were breaking it down at church. I will try to post a video soon! It was super fun! After a long week and sleep deprivation, I was a bit hesitant about going, but I had such a blast.
Today, the church from Nashville that sponsored Living Hope’s holiday club took all the volunteers out to play paint ball. I was super excited since it was my first time and had a lot of fun. I got shot in quite a few places. The ones that hurt the most were in the foot and neck. I hit one of the guys that work at the paint ball place by accident (woops), I guess I’ll stick to not joining the military!
Tomorrow is the “Gun Run” half marathon. It is going to be a beautiful, early morning run around the Cape Town waterfront. Unfortunately, my legs totally gave out this week and have been really cramping from being sick and what not, so I don’t think it will be the most fun, but I know I will be able to get through it and will feel an accomplishment when it is all said and down. Going to a foreign country for a few months with different food and minimal sleep and still being able to run a fair amount – not bad!
I look forward to doing a few more touristy things before I fly out Thursday morning and arrive in America Friday afternoon. I am really going to miss Ocean View and all of my new friends. The experiences I have gotten here can never be replaced and I am so fortunate for them all! Can't wait to see all my American friends though, it has been too long!